List of available training camps

Here is a short list of upcoming training camps from different providers!

A training camp is a useful extension of your training, especially for athletes who train alone. It is a great help to improve your own technique.

In a training camp, many athletes meet with different performances, so make sure that the training camp matches your level of performance. Do not exaggerate in the training camp!

The training champion in the camp is often at the back of the competition!

Main language in the Camp
04 May 202411 May 2024SpainMallorca /Font de sa CalaTriathlonBennie LindbergHannes Hawaii ToursGerman
18 May 202425 May 2024DeutschlandImmenstadt, AllgäuTriathlonPRO TrainingGerman
20 Jul 202427 Jul 2024DeutschlandImmenstadt, AllgäuTriathlonPRO TrainingGerman

Information without guarantee for completeness and correctness!

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Afterwards you can record your training camps on this page!